In Partnership With...
Indego Africa. Since 2007, Indego Africa has been propelling the creation, growth, and sustainability of women-owned businesses. Their mission is deep and inclusive. Indego Africa goes above and beyond by providing access to a global market and their handmade products. Indego Africa provides education that catalyzes economic empowerment. Education brings with it a sense of purpose and identity, creating a cycle of success that leads to dynamic change in the communities we work with.
Indego Africa partners source natural fibers from the communities where they work and live like sisal, sweetgrass, palm leaf, raffia, bolga straw and Jacaranda wood. A steady commitment to decreasing the number of non-natural fibers means that today, 100% of raw materials used in Indego Africa’s products are naturally and locally derived.
Indego Africa continues to make intentional design choices that reflect their commitment to sustainability and craftsmanship. Small batch production means no two pieces are exactly the same. Foregoing plastic in their packaging and scheduling large batch cargo shipments helps them lower their carbon footprint.
Pieces designed to be worn and loved season after season as a celebration of traditional artisan techniques and the direct collaboration with the women who make them.
All images supplied by Indego Africa.